Thursday, May 10, 2012

More work


  1. You've improved a lot in the past few years. I really like the colors in this piece. It would be nice if the background was less saturated instead of being over exposed but it doesn't really matter because the drawing is awesome.

  2. Now this is some pro status artwork. You are really getting good. It's refreshing to see another artist that I went to school with flourishing as an artist.

  3. I can't tell you how impressed I am at your affinity for testing out new styles. Way to go Hsiao!

  4. Oh wow, I didn't expect you guys to see this.

    I wonder how you found out about this one. My blog is always empty haha

  5. Wauw,, this one looks great!
    You can see all your practice in this single painting.
    And to be honest, this one should be the main skin of Soraka, instead of the skins she has right now.
